
The Beauty in Diversity: Entrepreneurship: The Female Perspective

Across the continent of Africa, we have diverse thoughts on leadership, entrepreneurship and governance. Often , we correlate these to male power. You will notice that we have male dominance in these sectors. In recent times we can not underestimate the impact of women in all aspects of the economy of nations be it Commerce, Real estate, Entertainment or Governance.

How things used to be, have changed in the 21st century. The introduction of technology has put the spotlight on the various activities female engages in therefore bringing female power into the limelight.

In this edition, with the support of my able team partner Edward Anassah (CEO, HBE ONLINE) an online content developer focusing on African entrepreneurs in the diaspora, put up a survey on the various thoughts or stories of female entrepreneurs changing the narrative.

We gathered female entrepreneurs in diverse fields of endeavours to share their thoughts and journey on how they got into the business, where they are in business and where they are going.

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We chose to use one question to get different views on the female perspective of entrepreneurship.

This edition is packed with knowledge and insights that will not only inspire but will challenge and transform anyone willing to take the bold step of venturing into entrepreneurship.

I welcome you all to our 11th edition of My Story Magazine ;

Inspiring and Building Africa One Story At A Time!

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